2018 INCAM Research Symposium


Complementary and Integrative Medicine Research in an Era of Skepticism

The titles below correspond to research presentations featured at the 10th INCAM Research Symposium. The conference, themed 'Complementary and Integrative Medicine Research in an Era of Skepticism,' was hosted on November 9-10, 2018, at Hotel LeCrystal in Montreal, Québec, Canada. The presentations are grouped as oral or poster sessions, reflecting their format at the Symposium.


  1. Naturopathy Special Interest Group (N-SIG) research capacity and needs assessment survey
  2. Diet and psychosis: A scoping review
  3. Nursing policies and regulations in the era of medical cannabis
  4. A description of the professional identity of massage therapist in Ontario
  5. A scan of the Canadian massage therapy education environment
  6. Can lateral epicondylitis be relief by osteopathic treatments targeting tensions from the thoracic region? Results of a case study
  7. Effect of global osteopathic treatment on functional mobility in the parkinsonian patient: A quasi-experimental study
  8. Cannabinoids use in critically ill ventilated patients: A qualitative study using Q-methodology
  9. Does integrative medicine approach reduce prescribed opioid use/dose for chronic pain? A systematic literature review
  10. Risky enough to regulate? The profession of homeopathy in Ontario, Canada
  11. Unmet care needs, access to a regular medical doctor, and CAM use in Canadian adults with chronic pain: Findings from the National Population Health Study
  12. Pilot study of acupuncture to treat anxiety in children and adolescents
  13. Preliminary results of a mixed methods study of effects of neurofeedback on cognitive impairment and fatigue in post-treatment breast cancer survivors
  14. Quality of randomized control trials and pilot trials in osteopathy according to the CONSORT checklist
  15. Evaluating stakeholder perceptions and health policy surrounding natural health product and medical cannabis regulation: A case study of Health Canada – A doctorate research proposal
  16. Case study: Can craniosacral osteopathic manual treatment (OMT) decrease intensity and frequency of headaches in an adult with a past traumatic head injury associated with abducens nerve paralysis in childhood?
  17. Preliminary results from the Integrative Pediatric Oncology Program (IPOP) survey of OncANP members to determine clinical trends in naturopathic pediatric cancer care
  18. The combination efficacy and safety of body acupuncture and auricular acupressure for body weight control: A single-randomized shamcontrolled  trial


  1. The importance of lymphatic osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) in the practice and training of osteopaths in Québec: A qualitative research study
  2. The use of telemedicine in complementary medicine consulting: A survey-in-process of homeopaths and naturopaths in Ontario, Canada
  3. Natural health products in integrative cancer care: Which ones have the most promising evidence from 218 recent reviews of human controlled studies?
  4. The inter-rater reliability of the frontal, temporal, parietal bones, and the spheno-occipital synchrondrosis mobility test as assessed through manual therapy
  5. The effect of early osteopathic manual treatment (OMT) care, after vaginal delivery, on pelvic health recovery
  6. Fundamental study of a visceral pericardial osteopathic protocol on heart physiology
  7. Theoretical foundations and efficacy of osteopathy: A philosophical approach
  8. Beyond affluent wellness: Social justice-geared TCAIM service models in North America
  9. Assessing the immediate behavioural responses of hospitalized preterm babies during osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT): A case series
  10. Canadian/US Integrative Oncology Study (CUSIOS): Protocol and study status

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